Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Engagement of Course Completed Act Apprentices as substitutes in Group ‘D’ on Indian Railways


No. E(MPP)2005/6/1

RBE No.113/2012
New Delhi, dated 05.10.2012

The General Managers,
All Indian Railways including Production Units

Sub: Engagement of Course Completed Act Apprentices as substitutes in Group ‘D’ on Indian Railways
Board vide its letter of even number dated 02.12.2010 (RBE No.171/2010) has clarified that Diploma/Degree holders trained under the Apprentices Act 1961 (as amended from time to time) in Railway establishments can also be considered, (similar to ITI, etc trained Act Apprentices engaged as substitutes) for engagement as substitutes in Group ‘D’ posts within the General Managers’ powers in administrative exigencies subject to their fulfilment of the extant instructions prescribed for such engagement.

Some of the railways have sought further clarifications with regard to procedure/methodology to be adopted for engaging the Degree/Diploma holder Act Apprentices as substitutes in Group ‘D’. The same are clarified as under:

ClarificationIssues raised by the Railways/ units
Whether Diploma/Degree holder Act Apprentices (GOI trainees) imparted training are to be absorbed after 2.12.2010 (i.e. the date from the issue of Board’s letter) or from any other cut-off date
Degree/Diploma holders trained in railway establishments, earlier than the issue of letter dated 02.12.2010 (RBE No.171/2010) cannot be ignored If they are otherwise eligible for being engaged as substitutes in Group ‘D’. Seniority list as maintained for the trained Trade Apprentices should also be maintained for the Degree/Diploma Holders Act Apprentices.
The age bar for absorption of GOI trainees .
The upper age limit for all recruitment to all Group ‘C’ and ‘D’categories Including engagement of substitutes is to be followed as detailed In Board’s letter No.E(NG)II/94/RR-1/29 dated 10.05.1999

Before absorption, whether any examination/screening is necessary as is done in the case of passed out Act Apprentices
The Diploma/Degree holder Act Apprentices can be engaged as substitutes provided they fulfill the criteria as laid down vide Board’s letter No. E(NG)II/2008/SB/SR/15d ated 17.09.2010

Since no papers are available in respect of Diploma/Degree holder Act Apprentices with the Rly Admin except the name and no result is forwarded whether they have completed training by BOAT
The railways should obtain the relevant details/certificates e.g. education qualification, age, etc from BOAT or the institute from where the candidates have been selected for training in the railway establishments and also the Proficiency Certificateissued by BOAT

(Anil Wason)
Dy. Director E(MPP)
Railway Board


1 comment:

  1. Dear Sir,

    This is my Document
    Thanks for your support

    Thanks & Regards
    Thirugnanam Jayaraman
    +91 9444225305, 8884607053.
